Friday 8 August 2008

Cross Me Heart Love I'll Keep Off the Pale Ale

This morning I made breakfast, got myself dressed and said my prayers. Amongst other things I asked God if He would see to it so I got through today with a semblance of good grace, kindness and organisational prowess. The good Lord answered immediately via the God-given medium of my own common sense. He said "have another cup of tea, do a spot of blogging and then get cracking!" So, why am I asking for divine intervention in order for my day to go smoothly, well it's nothing really, we're just off oop North to Bridlington tomorrow as our church choir are singing in the priory! Now, don't get my wrong, I'm really looking forward to it, my lot are singing the Eucharist, including some Vaughn Williams and some Elgar, I am there in my unofficial capacity as "choir mum" - looking after the younger choristers, tidying sleeping bags, making sandwiches - and we're going to have a great time; a barn dance, a nice Sunday lunch, trips out to the beach and country parks...but I have a lot of packing, washing, ironing (including their "whites") and cooking to do simply to get sorted for the weekend. It's not the hard work I worry about, it's the organisational skills it will take to get it all done without me being too frazzled and on edge this evening, when my eldest will be presented with her first chorister's ribbon!

Oh, and did I say we'll be up at a frightening time on Saturday morning in order to get up to North Yorkshire. Oh and did I say that both of my children get horribly car sick. Oh and did I say that the DH's chest is really tight and he's unsure whether he'll be coming or not as he can hardly talk, let alone sing! But enough of this verbal hopping about in complete panic! I can wash, iron, shop, clean, cook, bathe children, administer travel sickness medicine, read "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" one-hundred-and-fifty times on a five hour bus trip to North Yorkshire, I can do all of these because I am no lily-livered girlie, I AM A WOMAN! Grrrr! So, before I indulge in a minor (and completely undignified) online tantrum, I shall leave you with a little bit of what the choir will be singing on Sunday. O Taste and See, by Vaughn Williams...Psalm 34.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.
The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good?Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.

Yes, "depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Crikey you can't get much better advice than that!!

Oh, this next clip is for the DH. If he's not coming on the trip this is a little gift for him. He loves Jake Thackray, and Jake Thackray is a proper Yorkshireman, so it all seems quite fitting. I tried to find the song "The Hair of the Widow of Bridlington" for him, but it hasn't been put on Youtube as yet. However, this is actually the DH's favourite Jake Thackray song, and it's very funny and romantic, and reminds me of him. And, don't worry, while I'm gone DH, I'll keep off the pale ale!

EDIT - Hurrah! I've done it all and it's only 2 o'clock. I'm going to have my lunch now, a nice cup of tea and watch a sloppy old movie on the telly. Brilliant!


Anonymous said...

I prefer a good ol' dark stout...oh a local micro brewery makes a gorgeous oat stout...but one can only drink one bottle or else one will be contravening certain guidance in the NT!! ;)

Anyhoo, hope all goes well. I'm a bit stressed with 'doings' this week too. Ah to be able to sleep in the boat as the storm rages just like my Lord!


Dulce Domum said...

Hi Sarah

Thanks for the beer link. The DH will be pleased. I too prefer a proper bitter/stout. The line about the pale ale comes from the song I linked to. The DH says "cross me heart love I'll keep of the pale ale" when he goes out and about without me!

Dulce Domum said...

Oh and good luck with getting all of your doings done!

Marie N. said...

Beautiful music! My kids were drawn to the computer to listen too. I pictured the choir in the choir loft of a beautiful ancient stone church. Congratulations to your daughter on the ribbon. Hope dh feels better soon.

Left-Handed Housewife said...

I find that Guinness will cure what ails you in almost any given situation. Really, if you find yourself getting too frazzled getting ready, a little sip will do you (I don't recommend this when it's the young choristers who are setting you on edge, however. Perhaps try nice cleansing breaths).

I hope you have a lovely trip. The church (cathedral?) you'll be singing in is beautiful. I bet the music will be, too. --frances

Simone said...

I hope you got through it all! I have never heard of Jake Thackray. I feel like I've missed out somehow!

Gumbo Lily said...

I really loved this post, and I'm glad you were able to accomplish all your duties before 2!

Loved the choir AND Jake T. I had never heard of him, perhaps because I'm American, but oh, I liked this song -- la tee dah.


Zillah said...

Ah, Oh Taste and See took me right back to my own chorister days. Hope you are having a wonderful time.

I'm drinking a little dark ruby ale from our local brewery, and very nice it is too!


Dulce Domum said...

Hi Marie
I hope I'm not biased, but I think they sang wonderfully. The DH is almost fully recovered, and the kids and I had a great weekend!

Hi Frances
My nana would drink a glass of Guinness every day, because a doctor once told her it would "thicken her blood"! I love stout too, but you'll be glad to know I had nothing stronger than "Church of England" tea over the weekend!

Hi Simone
Oh, Jake Thackray songs are wonderful. My favourite is "Rain on the Mountainside" but my kids like "Leopold Alcox" because it is so funny.

Hi Jody
I let the children run riot in the garden and worked like crazy to get it all done! I'm glad you liked the music, and I'm glad you liked my post!

Hi Zillah
Ah, you too were a chorister! They did a really good job on the Magnificat as well. I'm glad we're all a bunch of beer lovers here, it's good for what (ahem) "ales" you!...Hastily logs out of blog before virtual rotten tomatoes are pelted at her...